The long awaited…has finally happened.
Google has released a FREE, SEO best practices, 22 page ebook, appropriately called “Google’s Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide.” Do not be deceived by the title, it is not only for starter’s. This information has always been available, just took more time to hone in and collect. Now it’s wrapped up in one ebook…for free.
I highly advise to take into consideration everything they say, they aren’t here to deceive, sell you something or lead you down the wrong path my friends, they are telling secrets. Plain and simple.
While reading the post on Google’s download page, I had to laugh at the first comment,
“Nice guide for the uninitiated. What are you trying to do, put SEOs out of business ;)”
I am not going out of business! What I will get out of sharing this guide is an informed customer.
I wrote an SEO Best Practices Guide too, for a website design company. I spent many, many hours scouring the internet, reading every ebook and watching every video I could find on the subject!
Here was my advantage, I already designed plenty of sites to practice my techniques. I put them to work and I succeeded. It all goes back to how hard you are willing to work, your work ethic.
When you read the ebook, Google SEO Starter Guide, and apply what you learn to your site, you are getting what a beginning SEO project would entail. This is invaluable.
Granted, there will always be more to learn about SEO. It, just like the internet, is in a constant state of change. Once you know and begin to understand more pieces of the puzzle, the “continuing education” will make more sense. You can do the work yourself, if you have the time. SEO takes time. Alternatively, you can hire an SEO Company or simply purchase hours of SEO Consulting from Ponder Consulting {use our heads}.