During the last week, I have been considering a new “joint” business venture. And while I won’t disclose the specifics, I will say that I am still on the fence about it. It’s constantly filled my mind since it was presented.
Each week I take a trip to Gaylord to visit my friends at the Detroit Coney Island and eat coney dogs. I am originally from the Detroit suburbs and there is nothing better to me than authentic Detroit Style Coneys (there is no substitute). It’s my reward to myself and I get a chance to socialize with friends.
On the way to Gaylord, I phoned a friend and he said something very simple, yet so profound. He said, “What will you get out of it and what will the other person get out of it?” Brilliant. Almost instantly, I made up my mind but continued on my journey for coney’s.
After I ate my coney’s I went to OfficeMax to purchase some office supplies. While making my way around the store, trying everything out, I came to the mouse pads. One instantly caught my eye (see top right). Perhaps it was the water, it is so “Ponder” and so much like my business card and website header. But then my eyes dropped to the bottom to read:
“IMPACT The Power of One”
I thought, YES the “Power of One.” I bought the mouse pad but what I got that is far more valuable is a gentle affirmation and now perhaps I will make a better decision. And to think, I almost grabbed my pens at the front of the store and headed out, but I stuck around. It was well worth my time.